Medical research / clinical trials

Remote patient monitoring is used in research projects to enable physicians and researchers to track their patient cohorts through customized real-life monitoring protocols. Being able to follow patients on a daily basis is a major innovation in the field of health research.
With MyDocTool, doctors and researchers can :

Import or create cohorts of patients and define their selection criteria

Create cohorts and cohort segments

Set as many protocols as they wish with :

–  Durations of protocols
–  Questions, tasks and information to send to patients
–  Alert criteria for the doctor

Assign protocols to patients or patient groups

Receive alerts from patients

Leverage data from active protocols
Doctors and researchers can set up very easily. The protocols enable them to collect information on:
Evolution of the symptoms of their patients

Their everyday environments

The evolutions of their health and well-being (sleep, activity, stress, localization…)

Current treatments

And any other information that the patient can provide at the request of the doctor

New avenues of research based on the exploitation of new types of data

Alert Monitoring
Next case study